Driving a truck, I'm driving a big ol' truck...

The new Dakota and a U-Haul trailer made the trip in 2.5 days. 2212 miles. 34 h 15 m drive
time. Not something I'm ready to repeat again anytime soon.

So how do you get from Raleigh, NC, to Phoenix, AZ. It's easy. Get on I-40 W, and go that
way for, oh, about 2 days! When you get to Flagstaff, take a left. Straight down I-17.

Starting off in Chatham County, NC:

Welcome to TN

Welcome to AR

Welcome to OK

Welcome to TX

Welcome to NM

Welcome to AZ

And then after a while you get to Chandler, AZ:

I'll have to fill in the details in a while. Getting tired and there should be a good way
to let the casual viewer browse through these. Just gotta learn what to do.


last updated on some day in some month in some year